Japanese Armor Weight

Japanese Armor Weight When it comes to armor, of any type, the questions that came into mind are usually these ones: How much does it protect you, how much does it restrict your movement and finally; How much does it weigh? Today I would love to answer this latest question, talking mainly about two style of Japanese armor; the classical " O'Yoroi" and the modern "Tosei Gusoku" with the associated auxiliary pieces. Okegawa dou ( 桶側胴 ) from 甲冑名所図 An Oyoroi ( 大鎧 ) from 甲冑備考 ( I would have love to add something more regarding the style of early DouMaru & Haramaki - 胴丸 & 腹巻 , but the lack of any decent data was disturbing, so they would be only mentioned with some estimations). DISCLAIMER: The data found on this post were collected through museum collections, private collections & auction houses and therefore subjected to possible errors. The estimations are mine ( an amateur researcher which some logic be...