Iron and Steel Technology in Japanese Arms & Armors - Part 1: Iron Sources

Iron and Steel Technology in Japanese Arms & Armors - Part 1: Iron Sources Japanese blacksmith in an Edo period print, Switzerland, Museum of Ethnography of Neuchâtel, sources here If you are into swords and armors to some extent, you might have fallen into archaeometallurgy and science; if this is the case and you want to go deep inside the nature of Japanese metal artifacts during the middle ages , you might found this series of articles interesting. Although the history of Iron in Japan is rather long and old (yet not the oldest as someone claimed in the past !) this series will be specifically dedicated to the late Muromachi and Azuchi-Momoyama period (namely the 16th century). I'm far from being an expert, and actually I'm still learning a lot in this field, so that's my disclaimer: I might have missed something here and there, and I might be wrong since I don't have neither the experience nor the academic background to be precisely accurat...