Kanabou (金棒) - The Samurai's Mace

Kanabou (金棒) - The Samurai's Mace A Kanasaibou wielded by a Sohei ( 僧兵 ) from 大和武者絵 Since I've received some request about this particular weapon, I've decided to write a detailed article about this iconic mace. The Kanabou ( 金棒 ) or Tetsubou ( 鉄棒 ) , better know as Kanasaibou ( 金砕棒 ) in Japanese, is a percussive weapon designed to counter armor . The name translated means "metal or iron staff". For the sake of simplicity in this blog I won't consider similar weapons like the aribo or kanemuchi as different ones since they are essentially Kanabou too. I've already talk why and when Japanese percussive weapons started to be underrated in my previous article about war axes so I won't spent more lines talking about it; but maces in Japan were known and used through out the feudal period, without being considered " lesser" or "dishonorable" tools. The Kanabou is a mace either made of hardwood like oak or ...