Nagamaki (長巻) - A unique Japanese sword

Nagamaki (長巻) - A unique Japanese sword One of the few artistic representation of the Nagamaki; on the centre left, a fleeing warrior is holding said weapon while running from a cavalry charge. From the Kiyomizu Dera Engi Emaki ( 清水寺縁起絵巻 ) The Nagamaki ( 長巻 ) is a unique sword design found only in Japan, with very few exceptions. The name itself means "long wrapping" and there is a very specific reason behind it that I'm going to explain in this article. Before discussing the weapon itself, it should be clarified why it is considered a sword ; despite having the length required to be classified in the polearms category, the nagamaki is used as a sword , which means that both hands are in a fixed position and the weapon is held in the same way a sword is held, with few-to-none hands changing along the handle. The closest example of this weapon found outside Japan is the European Spetum , although this weapon was used as a polearm rather than as a sword. Hi...