O'Yoroi (大鎧) - Classical Samurai Armor

O'Yoroi (大鎧) - Classical Samurai Armor The main O'yoroi section, with the additional plates, from 甲冑備考 Within the "Samurai Culture" there are few things that could get as much value as the "Great Harness", the O'Yoroi ( 大鎧 ) * . In fact, since the earliest period and until the very end of the Samurai class, this armor have always been considered a symbol of being a warrior in Japan. Unlike the modern armors, this particular harness could be categorized in one big family, although there were some changes during the ages. It was use as an effective piece of gear on the Japanese battlefield from the 10th to the early 14th century , and its usage started to decline in the late 13th century, when the more versatile Dō Maru ( 胴丸 ) and Haramaki ( 腹巻 ) styles of armor started to replace it among the nobles. Despite its retirement from the field, the O'Yoroi was still produced during the later centuries to be donated to shrines or to function ...