News for the Readers - 01/10/2019

News for the Readers! - 01/10/2019 Hello everyone! I hope you are doing fine! As the title says, this is definitely not an article nor a post you can usually see here, but I felt the need to tell to everyone who reads this blog and enjoy its content that I'm still alive and researching on the topic we all love , putting the same effort if not more behind these articles. But as you might have noticed, things have slowed down a lot; I've skipped two whole months and the reason for that is because I'm moving, with all of my stuff, in another country to finish my study. I don't like to talk about my personal life, honestly I think it's quite boring, but I wanted to say that everything is fine and I'm really excited to enter in this new period of my life, but as one might expect, it is a hard and slow process. Currently I don't have a decent internet connection yet, and it's the last of my problems here. So nothing serious or of any major concerns, ...