Sengoku Period Warfare - Part 4: Battle tactics

Sengoku Period Warfare - Part 4: Battle tactics The death of Yamamoto Kansuke during the 4th battle of Kawanakajima, from 永禄四年九月四日川中島ノ合戦山本勘介入道討死ノ図 by Utagawa Kuniyoshi After writing in my previous post how the several types of units worked inside the Japanese armies of the late 16th century, in this article I want to describe the main battle tactics used by the whole army, which means how the aforementioned units worked together to achieve victory or to avoid being severely defeated. I'm pretty sure that despite my efforts, I won't list all the various strategies available in that time period, mainly because the majority of them weren't actually codified or recorded, and some are hidden inside old war manuals; it's also worth writing that this tactics are only available on field battles , and not sieges or naval warfare. Before reading through this post, I'll suggest you to have a look at my previous articles on the Sengoku period warfare: Sengoku Peri...