Japanese Swords "Mythbusting" - Part 1

Japanese Swords "Mythbusting" - Part 1 Oyamada Bitchu no Kami Masatatsu 小山田備t中守昌辰 holding a Japanese sword while facing a volley of bullets, from Koetsu yusho den Takeda-ke nijushi-sho 甲越勇將傳武田家廾四將 by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. Hello everyone and welcome back! The title is already quite self sufficient to explain the topic of this article, but I would like to write few forewords before starting this long but needed post on Japanese swords. First of all, for the usual readers, I have to apologize for the long time period with no post nor articles: currently I'm moving house in another country, and without being boring, this is a long process and requires some time, unfortunately. Nonetheless, I'm trying to stay as active as possible and for those who are waiting for an article or a reply to a comment, thank you for your patience and again, sorry for the delay. Another important premise is that this article won't be the average " katana mythbusting ...