Iron and Steel Technology in Japanese Arms & Armors - Part 3: Bladesmithing

Iron and Steel Technology in Japanese Arms & Armors - Part 3: Bladesmithing

A sword smith of the Edo period 
working on a blade, from 彩画職人部類.


Finally, after a very long time, I'm able to continue with this series; it took a lot of efforts and it was a very hard topic to research, despite the amount of sources available on the net and before getting to the article itself, I would like to spend some words about this specific field: Japanese traditional sword making.

To make the long story short, it was extremely complicated because most of the so called modern days traditional Japanese sword making is related to the Shinshintō (新々刀) tradition, which was developed around the 1764.
This is quite late for the period in which my study was focused, the 16th century; moreover there was a dramatic shift in terms of design from the functionality of the sword to the aesthetic and artistic value of the weapon. So not only swords were made from different materials, but the main concern of the maker wasn't a functional sword made for combat, but a beautiful one.

One key examples of this focus is the creation of very wide, beautiful hamon patterns (the hardened zone of the sword-more of this later) that undermined the structural integrity of the sword, as noted by Suishinshi Masahide, a contemporary smith of the Shinshintō era.
So in order to create beautiful swords, functionality was sacrificed.
Nowadays, said swords are still evaluated for their artistic value rather than for their performances, and the attitude towards the shintō tradition has led many enthusiast of this world to spread misconceptions that I would like to debunk in this article.

A wide hamon on a Japanese sword.

As clichè as it might be ( a personal suggestion: never thrust someone who claims that everyone is wrong while he is the only one with the "Truth" in his pocket) there are some factual realities that need to be addressed, like the fact that Kot
ō (古刀) swords were stronger and much more functional-oriented than their shintō era counterpart, and that the whole view (performance wise) of the so called traditional Japanese sword is highly under represented because of that bias.
These are not words of mine, but it was already pointed out by Kōkan-Nagayama in the post WW2 Japan, when the swordsmith tradition was re-established


"The Functionality of Nihonto" by Suishinshi Masahide 

"The Outline of a Japanese sword"

"The Connoisseur's Book of Japanese Swords" by 

As always, in case you missed, I've already talked about the raw iron sources found in Japan and the processes used to smelt said sources into iron and steel ingots in the 16th century; I highly suggest you to read them to better understand this article.
Please also keep in mind that there were several blade's making traditions, and this post won't represent all of them naturally. It is also fair to point out that the manufacturing of these blades was applied not only to swords, but for any type of edged Japanese weapons.

Before I start, here the usual disclaimer;

I might have missed something here and there, and I might be wrong since I don't have neither the experience nor the academic background to be precisely accurate. Please take these information with a "pinch of salt".
Despite this limitation, I'm using academic references that you can find throughout the article to back up my thesis.

Last time I've explained the various type of steel ingots produced by the Tatara, both in a direct steel making process as well as an indirect one, and this is precisely the point where this article start.
Although the steel ingots would have changed in terms of chemical compositions (sagegane would have been of higher quality - less slag - compared to tamahagane), the steel would have still be rather heterogeneous with slag inclusions, at least compared with modern steel.
This is quite important: prior to the 19th century, pure steel in the sense of no slag inclusions was impossible to obtain, all over the world possibly with the exception of Indian crucible steel

So the smith received various grade of steel, either tamahagane or sagegane as well as lower carbon steel known as hocho tetsu and possibly iron ingots too. This is where the creation of the blade start.

Selection of the steel

The first thing the smith had to do was sorting out how much carbon the various grade of steel had. In fact, due to the pre-modern technology, each ingots had an uneven carbon distribution. To do so, the artisan heated the various ingots and hammered them on the anvil, which surface was covered with water; this process is called mizubeshi (
All the ingots were turned into plates, heath and then quenched (cooled very rapidly) into water in order to harden them.
This process was also used to consolidate the bloom if the starting material was tamahagane (high carbon bloomery steel).
Once all the plates were ready, he broke them into several pieces; this process is called kowari (小割り) and was mandatory in order to establish the carbon content of each piece.
If the steel had high carbon, the fracture would have look very sharp and the plate would have been very brittle.
On the other hand, if the steel had a lower amount of carbon, the fracture would have look like a deformation and the material would have been much more easier to bend.
Moreover, the color of the steel would have differ due to the carbon concentration.
On a side note, the high carbon steel pieces, either tamahagane or sagegane, will still have a very high carbon content (possibly around 1% or more) which is still too high for blade making, and need further refinement.

Broken steel "tiles" of various carbon content; picture taken from here

At the end of the process, the smith knew precisely which kind of steel he had to work with, from very high carbon steel to wrought iron. At this point, the smith made a tool called tekoita (梃子板) which is simply a long handle in which a small plate of steel was welded in order to create the foundation of the billet.
The teko was suppose to accomodate all the various pieces of steel in a piled structure.

Various pieces of steel piled on top of the tekoita; take from here


"Tatara and the Japanese sword: the science and technology" by 
Tatsuo Inoue 

"The Craft of the Japanese sword" by Leon and Hiroko Kapp and Yoshindo Yoshihara )

Choose the structure of the blade

This is one of, if not the most, important step of the whole process and it's here that we have the first misconceptions to address.
If you are familiar with Japanese swords, you cannot have never ever heard the concept of lamination which states that: "traditional Japanese blades were made with a combination of hard and soft steels carefully assembled in order to create a perfectly balanced blade."
This is true, to some extent; but it's not the only historical way of creating a Japanese blade and over the ages, this whole concept of the lamination has been inflated and mystified with wildly inaccurate statements.

First of all, this method is the basic of sword making since the early Iron Age and was definitely not unique to Japan.
Second, it doesn't create a stronger blade by default and while it has some benefits, it has some serious flaws as well.
Third, throughout the entire sword history elsewhere in the world, the process was to create a laminated structure of different types of steel (and possibly iron) at the beginning when technology was still very primitive, and then switch to all steel, and possibly mono steel ( a single piece of steel) constructions; but in Japan, the average "history" book claims otherwise, with early Jokoto swords being made with a single (inferior) piece of steel and then with the development of the Nihonto, there was a shift towards the lamination process.
This is partially true; lamination started to be codified and pushed forward by the Shogunate with the Shinto and Shinshinto traditions from the 17th century onward, but it doesn't apply to previous centuries!
It is also quite nonsensical to point out that earlier swords, being made with primitive technology, were made with a method (all steel/monosteel construction) that required advanced technology!
This whole attitude had led the Japanese sword enthusiasts to erroneously claim that:

a) Monosteel swords are inferior (a.k.a. type "lamination katana" on google and see the wikipedia picture with maru kitae - monosteel sword- being called "the poorest method".

b) Japanese swords were never made with a monosteel structure because of that (this is also related to people who deliberately want to bash on the Japanese sword).

c) The more complex the lamination - the better the sword.

The infamous picture I've mentioned above; the "orikaeshi san mai" doesn't make sense (a weld on the edge?! Seriously?!) and the famous soshu kitae was never found in any swords analyzed. It is also likely that the labels of medium and soft steel are not applied correctly here; in any case, there is a detailed picture of the structures observed below in the article.

So to address all these points briefly: a) this is quite the opposite; monosteel swords are structurally stronger according to Alan Williams, because they don't have weld lines in the material that weaken the integrity of the blade, b) Japanese blades were also made with a monosteel structure and c) this is simply not true, beside some of the so called incredibly hard laminated structure were never observed in reality and have no real advantages over the simplistic ones.

So from now on, I will cover the two forging process separately.

Lamination method 

This is the mainstream method associated with Japanese sword making, and it was the bread&butter of sword making since steel swords started be a thing historically.
The concept  itself is related to economic issues; with a bloomery based technology (see my previous part about smelting processes), creating high and medium carbon steel was quite hard and expensive: only a small amount of the bloom was composed of that type of steel, which was required to create good swords with good edge, capable of being hardened. On top of that, the forging process itself wasn't efficient at all, so much of the material was lost during the making.
Even with blast furnaces, high carbon steel required some efforts to be produced up until the 18th century.
Within that context, it makes so much sense to use the expensive part only where its needed, namely the edge, and create the rest with less expensive materials, like wrought iron which is essentially low carbon steel.
This why lamination was so common prior to the 18th century, all over the world.
The combinations are the following:

Hard steel edge welded to an iron core, a hard steel skin that encase an iron core, a hard edge welded on a low carbon steel core, and a hard skin encasing a low carbon steel core.
There is a bit of variation here and there, but these are the main categories more or less used by Japanese smiths (and I would add, used by their European counterparts too) by the 16th century, and are ordered from lowest to higher quality.
The last two could be considered all steel swords.

The lamination styles observed on cross sections of Japanese swords; the last two are all steel swords. There are occasionally some others variations like different types of steel on the sides or in the back, although it's hard to establish whether or not this type was used in the 16th century.

Lamination has a price though; the fact that you need to weld two materials of different carbon contents introduce welding lines in the balde, which could led to potential failure. In fact, according to some tests done by A.Williams, with all else being equal (an impossible condition to obtain while talking about pre-modern world swords) a laminated sword is weaker compared to one made with one piece of steel.
However, there are advantages in using a lamination structure, compared to a monosteel sword.
Not to mention that welding steel need a lot of skill and expertise with that level of technology.

In fact, if you chose to make the sword out of a single material, you cannot have different carbon content across the blade so you need to chose an optimal level, which is around 0.4 and 0.6 %.
Otherwise you risk to compromise the structure integrity of the blade with a higher content, because the steel would be too hard and thus too brittle ( which means that under shocks it has a tendency to snap).
On the other hand, with a lamination structure, you could use a higher carbon content on the edge, because said steel is supported by a softer material that will react in a different way to the shocks, preventing the sword to snap in two and limiting any potential damage only to the edge.
The reason why you want a higher carbon level
 in the edge, like 0.6 or 0.8, is that you can achieve higher hardness through hardening and so in theory a sharper edge, and said edge would stay sharper for longer periods through usage.
Moreover, if two edges collide in a perpendicular angle (practically impossible to achieve in a sword fight of any kind) the harder ones could bite into the softer ones, without being damaged.
In theory, a sword with a harder edge could perform better in the cut, but the performance is heavily dependent on other factors like edge geometry, skill of the wielder and so on. So there are small trade offs to evaluate when choosing which structure using.

If the smith chose to create a laminated blade (which was done quite a lot; the majority of the blade used in the world by the 16th century had this feature due to the lower cost of production) he would need to work with two separate billets: the kawagane (皮鉄) which is the outer layer and the shingane (心鉄) which is the inner core.
Let's supposed that he would work on a kobuse, one of the most popular lamination style: hard steel jacket and low carbon steel core.

The first thing he has to do is to separate the two grades of steel he wanted to use and piled them into two different tekoita.
So when he worked to his kawagane, he only piled high carbon steel.
If you remember, as I've stated before in this article and in the previous one, the high carbon steel used in both cases (tamahagane or sagegane) is too high for sword making. On top of that, throughout the piled structure you will have different bits with different carbon so you have to homogenize the billet.
In order to do so, the smith wraps the steel pieces with Japanese paper, and a mixture of clay and rice straw's ashes; every school has its own recipe when it comes to these elements but the principle is the following: having something to stabilize all the pieces, allow the pieces to be heated evenly and using the ashes to prevent too much decarburization - you want the high carbon steel to lower its C% just a little bit, because further carbon will be burned through forging.
This process is known as tsumiwakashi (積み沸かし).
The billet is then heated in the forge at a temperature of 1300 °C and when the steel has a bright white color, it is taken out and hammered gently to create a single piece. The process might be repeated more than once until the piled structure is fully welded and a single piece is formed.

The piled structure covered with the pasty mixture.

The same is done with the shingane, but instead of high carbon steel, wrought iron or low carbon steel is used.
Both billets are still be quite heterogeneous and as far as the kawagane is concerned, there is still too carbon; these problems will be addressed in the next step, which is forging&folding.

Single steel method 

As I have explained above, lamination was not the single method used to make Japanese blades, nor the best one.
Swords from the 16th and previous centuries have been analyzed by various authors, to name one Cyril Stanley Smith, where the carbon content was the same throughout all the sword, around 0.5%. This mean that the blade was created with one single type of steel, just like their counterparts in other parts of the world.
With cross section, it was possible to observe a blade made without the lamination method but with a single block of material.
Were these swords inferior? No, absolutely, not in terms of strength.
In fact they didn't had the welding lines inside the material, and so no possible failure point; on the other hand, they had a softer edge which is by no means a pure disadvantage especially when said swords were supposed to be used against armor, unlike the later ones.
These swords were actually much more expensive to make, because the steel required was of high/medium carbon content and composed the entire blade rather than only the edge.
Why these swords have been ignored by most enthusiasts is still a mystery, but I won't dare to speculate in that direction.
Nowadays, smiths like Yasuhiro Kobayashi still use this method.

Another famous picture taken from the web (source); it is possible to see swords made in the medieval period being made with one piece of steel. This structure was also choose for 16th century swords as observed by other authors.

In this case the smith wouldn't make two separate billets, but just a single one, using either one single high/medium carbon type like sagegane in the piled structure or kneading together very hard carbon steel with lower carbon steel in an alternate layered structure.
Both method aim to obtain the same thing: one fairly homogeneous steel with a single medium carbon content throughout the whole blade.

The process is the same described before, so the piled structure is wrapped with the clay-ashes-paper mixture, heated and hammered into a single plate.
Once the process is over, the billet is ready to be forged and folded to create the basic shape of the sword.

This is how the heated piled structure look like; picture taken from here


"The sword and the crucible: a history of the metallurgy of European swords up to the 16th century" by Alan Williams

"The outline of Japanese Swords"

"Tatara and the Japanese sword: the science and technology" by Tatsuo Inoue 

"The Craft of the Japanese sword" by Leon and Hiroko Kapp and Yoshindo Yoshihara

"The Knigth and the Blast furnaces" by Alan Williams)

Forging & Folding the steel

The other often misunderstood process about Japanese sword making is the folding , in Japanese orikaeshi kitae 折り返し鍛え).
Folding the steel is mandatory in order to lower the carbon content of the high carbon steel billet, homogenize the steel, reducing the number of slag inclusions and making them less harmful to the blade integrity.

Screenshot taken from the amazing video done by AWEme, source here

One of the biggest, very old misconception is that folding create a stronger steel: true, but only in a pre-industrial revolution world and I will explain why. However if the starting material is homogeneous enough, you don't need to fold the billet to create a stronger blade so folding steel in terms of functionality doesn't make any sense with anything produced by a modern age blast furnace.
Another big misconception is that folding is not necessary when an indirect steel process making is used: again true, but not before the 18th century.
Although I have already addressed the topic in the previous article, blast furnaces technology will create a better steel (in the Japanese context, the Zuku oshi tatara method) compared to a bloomery furnace, but during the fining process (turning cast iron into steel), impurities will be reintroduced in the steel and the carbon content will be uneven across the new ingots.
So even if the amount of slag would be lower, you will still have slag in the steel (namely, finery inclusions).
This is why Chinese sword making, despite using blast furnaces technology since the Han dynasty, involved folding. Actually, pretty much of the world's sword tradition used that technique to improve the quality of the steel.
Another misconception is that folding and pattern welding are the same thing; this is simply not true, the two processes are quite different in reality.

Despite of lamination/single steel being used, the process is fairly similar.

The first folding is called shitagitae (下鍛え); the steel billet is heated again to welding temperature, hammered into a plate and then the smith with the aid of his students use a blade or a similar tool to cut a notch in the middle of the plate. The cut shouldn't be able to separate the material into two blocks, but should be deep enough.
Then the plate is turned around and the two extremities hammered on top of each other, to create a single plate again.
When the steel billet is heated, it reacts with oxygen in the air and forms dark scales that are visible on the surface; it is extremely important that said scale won't end up in between the folded blocks. Those scales are rust, and having them in between the layers of the steel would be harmful to the blade structure.
To avoid that, the smith use a brush made of a wet tatami mat.
This process is repeated more than once; every time the steel is folded, it loose carbon, said element is spread evenly across the billet, and the
 slag inclusions are squeezed out from the material.
In fact to avoid excessive carbon loss, the billet could be wrapped again with clay.
It is also possible that folding improves the strength of the steel due to obtaining smaller grain size in the material, since it was observed that some Japanese blades had different grain size on the edge, but this doesn't seem to be the case and this fact might be related to the heath treatment instead.
It is fair to notice that is almost impossible to prevent minimum amount of rust inside the layers, and each fold while removing inclusions, it also add a little amount of harmful material. So while folding is extremely important at the beginning, after a certain level it start to be detrimental.
At the end of the process, the slag content was quite low on the best example; some steel artifacts had a % of slag closer to 0% although munition grade quality was present as well.

A billet being folded during the forging process; notice the dark scales on the surface.

After the initial shitagitae is done, the smith performs another type of folding called agegitae (上げ鍛え), which includes folding into different orientation so the cut could be done in a vertical direction or in diagonal directions.
Every time before performing a fold, the block needs to be heated at the right temperature and due to the loss of carbon it start to be harder and harder to forge; this aid the smith to understand when its time to end the process.
The optimal number of folding, which take into account the carbon loss, is around 13 if the smith is working with a high carbon billet and 10 with a low carbon steel one, although if pure iron is used the smith don't have the problem of carbon loss.
Since folding creates layers in between the steel, with an exponential growth, it adds beauty to the surface of the steel and each school create beautiful pattern that could be appreciated even nowadays. Said patterns would be revealed thanks to the Japanese art of polishing their blades.

Possible folding directions 

If the smith is not satisfied with its final billet, he can cut it into 4 different pieces, stack them on top of each other, cover them with the clay and start again.

After the process is over, high carbon steel billets have a carbon content of 0.7-0.8%, medium carbon billets are about 0.5-0.6% and the low carbon ones in between 0.1-0.3%. About half of the starting material is now gone due to forging.


"Tatara and the Japanese sword: the science and technology" by Tatsuo Inoue 

"The Craft of the Japanese sword" by Leon and Hiroko Kapp and Yoshindo Yoshihara

"日本刀の強度-靭性バランスと刃金用玉鋼の折返し鍛錬による炭素量,焼入れ硬さの変化" by "佐々木 直彦, 堀井 胤匡, 藤原 幹男, 斎藤 英之, 三澤 俊平"
"Ancient and historic steel in Japan, India and Europe, a non-invasive comparative study using thermal neutron diffraction" by  F. Grazzi, F. Civita, A. Williams, A. Scherillo, E. Barzagli, L. Bartoli, D. Edge, M. Zoppi.)

Assembling the stock for the blade

Once all the various billets of steel are ready, the smith has to start to make the blade itself.
If he wanted to create a monosteel sword the process is quite easy, because the only thing he has to do is take his billets and start to hammering it into a long and even bar.
A much more complex and often ritualized process has to be done when the smith wanted to create a laminated sword because he has to forge weld all the various steel (namely the core and the jacket) into a single piece and then start to hammer it.
This process is called tsukurikomi (造り込み).

Two possible interpretation of the tsukurikomi; it is possible to see the various pieces of steel welded together.

Much more complex tsukurikomi were developed in the Edo period and later, and since then it become a form of art and a way to express the skill of the smith.
This process requires a lot of precision and care, because a bad weld in between the various steel could led to a catastrophic failure.
There are essentially two way in which the tsukurikomi on a kobuse style of lamination could be done; one is very basic and classic, which means encasing the shingane with the kawagane, heating them at welding temperature and then forming a single piece.
The other is to use four billets ( two sides of kawagane, one side of hagane - the edge- and the core) and carefully assemble the billets into a single composition.
Once the piled structure is at the right temperature, carefully hammering it and creating a single piece.
Now the blade is ready to be forged into shape.

Several styles of tsukurikomi; as I have explained above, not every styles have been observed yet, and most 16th century swords had either a monosteel construction or a simple lamination. Those however are the method to carefully create such composition.

As I have explained above, a much more complex lamination doesn't add benefits to the strength of the blade; there is still some debate but actually since we aren't able to find a definitive answer with modern physics and tests, I don't think that the smiths of 500 years ago had a better idea on how such structures would have changed the mechanical performance of the blade.


"Tatara and the Japanese sword: the science and technology" by Tatsuo Inoue 

"The Craft of the Japanese sword" by Leon and Hiroko Kapp and Yoshindo Yoshihara)

Forging and designing the blade

Once that the billet is assembled and drawn into a long bar, the process of designing the blade starts.
This is were the creativity of the smith and his personal choices arise and everything in this process is related to his willing: whether he wants to create a sword, a dagger, a spear, how much curvature he wanted to put in, which kind of edge geometry he wants to use and so on.
So describing it in detail is rather impossible.
The stage in which the sword start to come together is called sunobe (素延べ) in Japanese. In this process, the sunobe is about 90% of the final length and width of the blade but is still much thicker. The shape is given through heating and hammering; the smith makes the tang and the tip as well during this stage.
It is important that the blade would be as even as possible throughout his surface, and due to using only hand power, it requires a lot of skill.

The blade being hammered into shape; taken from here

After the sunobe is done, the smith starts to work on the edge; to do so, he heath the blade at 1100 °C only at the edge and start to hammer it to give the shape he desires. He also works on the ridge of the blade and on the back.
This process is called hisukuri (火造り).After the forging and designing of the blade is completed, the smith grinds (shiage - 
仕上げ) the blade in order to give an initial proper thickness to the edge. At this point much of the blade is finished because after the heath treatment you cannot remove a lot of material.

"The Craft of the Japanese sword" by Leon and Hiroko Kapp and Yoshindo Yoshihara)

Heath treating the blade: Hardening&Tempering

Swords, and any kind of edged implements, in order to achieve the highest performance available with steel need to be hardened.
This is a process that involves physical reactions to create phases of the steel that will change its mechanical performances.
There is a bit of physique involved here that I wouldn't cover in this post, since it's already too long; however, if steel gets heated at a critical temperature, and cooled rapidly (quenched) you can achieve a phase called Martensite which essentially makes the steel incredibly hard but at the same time brittle. A very hard edge would be able to stay sharp for longer period, but will be also less durable against shocks when used to cut hard materials. However, a lot of sharpness and edge durability is also related to edge geometry, edge alignment and other factors.
The problem is that if the whole sword is made of very high martensite, you would end with a glass bar; very sharp, but unsuitable for anything that involves sword's tasks.
In fact you need to temper the blade, which will reduce the hardness and thus the potential sharpness and possibly have different, much more resilient phases of steel in the other parts of the blade.

A microscopic section of Martensite; unlike with medieval steel, this phase is much more clean.

One of the key factor in Japanese bladesmithing is the selective hardening also known as differential hardening. This technique allow the blade to have different level of hardness with different steel's phases in between the edge (which will be martensite), the sides and the core (which will be pearlite and ferrite).
This is also loosely related to the fact that some swords were also made with different kind of steel: in fact in order to be hardened the steel need to have at least a medium content of carbon. With a selective hardening, it is possible to capitalize on the properties of different steels, but the final product in terms of mechanical performances shouldn't be too different from a sword made with a single type of steel which was differentially hardened too. With this type of hardening, more emphasis is given on sharpness rather than toughness at the edge.
At the same time, the rest of the blade will be quite tough and capable of withstanding damage due to the design of the blade and also due to the more resilient phases.
It is quite possible to see the differences between the two zones with the hardened edge and the rest of the blade thanks to the Japanese polishing technique; this part of the blade is called hamon (刃文) and even nowadays is still one of the major aspect of Japanese blade's aesthetic. In fact the pattern is decided by the smith and it was also used as a form of signature.
It is important for the hamon to be located on the edge and to be a rather small fractions of the blade, otherwise if very high carbon is used, you will end up with the shinto's problems.

Differential hardening seen on a real blade.

To achieve this type of hardening, the smith will perform a clay coating unique to Japan called tsuchioki (土置き).
To create the hamon, the smith has to apply a clay paste called tsuchidori (土取り) usually made with riverbed clay (for the insulation), charcoal powder (for heating control), pulverized sandstone (to prevent cracking) and other unknown elements based on different school's tradition.
Water was also added to the mixture and its only applied to the surface when its sticky enough to stay in place.
There are several ways to apply the clay, but usually the back should be thicker and on the edge few lines of clay should be applied in order to create small veins of pearlite in the edge and minimize any potential damage; these small lines are called ashi ().

Clay being applied to a blade before heat treating.

When the clay is dry, the blade is heated until it becomes glowing red or orange (700 °C) and then quenched in boiling water. This technique is known as yaki ire (焼入れ).
To better understand the temperature of the blade, such process is done at night.
It is quite hard to get an even temperature across the blade once the clay is applied, due to its insulation properties and it's the role of the smith to get the blade heated evenly.
To achieve this result, the blade is moved upside down on the forge and he must be careful to not remove the clay with harsh movements.

Once the blade is ready, it's quenched in hot boiling water; thanks to the clay coating, different blade's part cools at different rate and the different phases of steel aforementioned are obtained through the sword.
The edge cools very rapidly while the back and the sides cool slowly; since the stress applied varied, at first a concave curvature appears and then after few seconds, the usual convex curvature appears and stay there.
It is a common misconception that the curvature of the blade is a byproduct of the heat treating; however, the smith could choose to apply some degree of curvature (convex or concave) during the sunobe process, or even after the quenching is done, in order to control the final shape. In fact, straight swords could be obtained even with this type of heath treating.

A katana being quenched in hot water; in the final stage, the iconic curvature appears.

Although it looks fairly simple, yaki ire is extremely hard to perform: anything from cracking, bending, warping of the blade could happen and thus the skill of the smith is essential during this stage of blade making. If something goes wrong, the blade must be heated again at 700 °C and the clay applied once again.
It is also fair to notice that every smiths inside different schools has its own yaki ire method and style.

Another very big misconception is that Japanese blades weren't tempered. This is not true for every single blade, although some blades were left untempered: this could be done only if the carbon content at the edge is not too high (something around 0.6%) because the inside and the sides of the blade would be softer and the presence of a ductile body allow the edge to be quite stable in the cut.
However, tempering was performed too although it is often unmentioned on your average Japanese sword making process.
Tempering means heating the blade again, below critical temperature and after hardening, and allow it to cools slowly or quenched again. It is often confused with hardening since the concepts are rather similar but the two techniques are the opposite.
In Japanese, the word for tempering is yakimodoshi (焼戻し) or aitori.
Every schools has its own style; usually the blade is heated again at 160-300 °C and then either quenched in hot water again or cooled on air. This technique relieves part of the stress introduced in the edge with the quench and could be repeated more than once. Every time yakimodoshi is performed, the hardness of the edge drop down a little and it's very important to avoid overtempering the sword, otherwise the hamon would disappear and the blade won't have a hard edge anymore.
Tempering allow the edge to possibly have a tempered martensite phase and increasing the strength of the blade.

A blade being tempered to lower its hardness and increasing its toughness.

Hardness value in VHP for Japanese swords are (usually, at least the ones observed) the following: 650-800 VHP for the edge, 400-300 VHP for the sides and 300-190 VHP for the core but please keep in mind that value could change a lot. It is possible that the monosteel swords made in the 16th century in Japan had lower hardness at the edge, probably around 600 VHP but hardness weren't given inside the references I've read for said swords, unfortunately.
What is also important to mention is that each phases has its own density and grain size; usually the edge and the sides are the portions of the blades with the smaller grains and thus stronger steels. Moreover, when the shock wave propagate inside the material, the difference in density of the steel reacts in different ways so the blade itself is quite hard to break or snap, but has a tendency to bend instead.

The ultimate misconception related to Japanese blade's edges is that they are extremely brittle; this is quite nonsensical.
Some tests were done on blades hardened this way and these are the results: the edge didn't take any damage at all.
Beside, there is not an optimal level of hardness in which the edge would be both sharp, capable of retaining the edge and capable of sustaining damage.
If the edge is on the hard side, it would chip; if it's on the soft side, it would roll or bend, but one thing is clear regarding Japanese blades of the 16th century: they weren't definitely weak and received phrases and respect from Chinese, Koreans and Europeans contemporary sources.

Some final thoughts: Spring tempering vs Differential hardening

If you are familiar with sword making and sword properties you might have already heard of spring tempering which is often associated with European swords of the middle ages.
In this case the blade is hardened without clay and then its tempered so the whole blade has the properties of the Japanese blade's edge and can spring back after being bent.
This technique was already used by the Chinese in the Han dynasty period, since swords of said period were excavated and had those properties.
It could be argued that one technique is superior to the other, but it's actually a matter of trade offs. 

An original Chinese Jian from the Han dynasty being flexed; after the pressure is over, the blade will return to true.

With spring tempering, you could have a more durable blade capable of sustaining heavy loads, but its edge won't be as hard and thus cannot retain the same amount of sharpness found with differential hardening. On top of that, due to one phase being used throughout the blade, it is possible that if cracks developed, they could travel deeper inside the material since it has the same density.
More over, even spring tempered blade could take a permanent set and they are very hard to fix. It is also fair to point out that due to this properties, the blade has a tendency to move and vibrate when hitting materials, so if edge alignment is off, the cut and the thrust could fail.
On the other hand, a differentially hardened blade won't have spring properties, but it would be easier to fix if the sword take a permanent set.
The edge would be harder and capable of retaining sharpness for longer period, and it won't chip unless it would hit something harder than itself (or if the edge alignment is incredibly off). Thanks to its lack of springiness the sword is rigid and so more efficient in the cut and thrust as well as easier to use although this is more related to blade geometry.

As you can see, it's all about trade offs.
What we do know is that the Japanese knew spring tempering at least by the 16th century, as I have explained in my article about the bow. The concept that a bow could be made of steel means being able to have a spring made of steel and thus knowing how to obtaining it. Beside, once you have mastered the concepts of hardening and tempering is not that hard to discover spring tempering.
So we could guess that differential hardening was a deliberate choice when it comes to swords, to obtain a blade optimized in the cut and very sharp.

Once the blade is tempered, the smith could adjust its curvature by applying pressure with a hammer or with hands on heated copper ingot. This technique is called sorinaoshi (反り直し) and with it the blade acquires its final desired shape.
Once the blade making is over, the blade need a final grinding to obtain its final sharpness as well as polishing, decorations and assembly, so this is only the initial part of the work but I won't divagate more.

A finished Japanese blade in all of its beauty.

I hope that this very technical and detailed article was entertaining enough! It took a lot but I hope to have addressed all the misconceptions of Japanese sword making and to have teach something new even to those who already knew the process in detail.
Thank you so much for your time! Please feel free to share the article, or ask a question: I will be glad to answer in the comment.

In the next part of this series I've explained how plates were made for armor making.


If you are interested in buying real and authentic modern Japanese swords, I would love to recommend you these two great websites where you can chose and even customize, your sword!
They are extremely professional and their products are works of art. The process described above is still used to create this blades!

(Further references I've used to make this article:"Metallurgical Research on Japanese Swords- Focusing on Swords for Practical Use- " by "Hideo Hoshi and Minoru Sasaki"

"Analysis of crystallographic structure of a Japanese sword by the pulsed neutron transmission method"  by "K. Kino, N. Ayukawa, Y. Kiyanagi, T. Uchida, S. Uno, F. Grazzi, A. Scherillo"

" Neutron diffraction characterization of Japanese artworks of Tokugawa age" by " F. Grazzi & L. Bartoli & F. Civita & M. Zoppi"

"Metallurgical Microstructure of the Spear Blade Manufactured from the End of the Muromachi Period to the Edo Period" by Nahoko Sugioka, Masahiro Kitada, Masahiko Nishijima

"Time-of-flight neutron diffraction: a new analytical technique for conservation?" by Jeremy Uden, Francesco Grazzi
, Francesco Civita , Antonella Scherillo , Heather Richardson, Laura Bartoli & Marco Zoppi

"From Koto age to modern times: Quantitative characterization of Japanese swords with Time of Flight Neutron Diffraction" by F. Grazzi, L. Bartoli, F. Civita, R. Francisco C. Paradowsk, A. Scherillo and M. Zoppi

Study of Japanese sword from a viewpoint of steel strength" by M.Yaso and others

Study of Microstructures on Cross Section of Japanese sword" by 
M.Yaso and others)

P.S; I'm pretty sure that I've left something behind as far as references are concerned, but for anyone curious about feel free to contact me and I will give a proper list.


  1. This is the most detailed article I have ever read about Japanese sword forging, thank you for writing this.

    You have also improve your writing composition by adding the sources.

  2. I got a question. This is an early Edo armor. It have Wakibiki and a hidden groin armor beneath the Kusazuri lacing.

    Probably an armor that is still designed for war as the early Edo Period still have some major rebellion.

    However, on later decorative armor, those things are rarely shown. So when did Japanese weapon and armor technology change into a more decorative approach?

    The same clearly happen to swords as well.

    Did the Japanese feel completely safe from foreign invasion during this period?

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, it took a lot of efforts but it was worth it.

      Around the late 17th and the early 18th century we start to see a progressive shift from functionality to art, aesthetic and old designs. For example armors were made with soft and thin iron plates so it was easier to emboss them.
      It's really a matter of Demand & Supply; domestic demand for arms and armors was low compared to the 16th century due to social reforms and more than 70 years of peace and since the social mobility was closer to 0, artisans needed to find a way to sell their armors and swords to the rich nobles and merchants and here you have the reason behind this shift.

      Japan was never worried about a possible foreign invasion due to its strategic position, relatively peaceful neighbours and lack of any type of resources worth such a costly invasion up until the mid 19th century when the Americans arrived.
      In fact in this period, also known as Bakumatsu, there was a "throwback" to armor and sword making of the 16th century so that the designs of the late Edo period were much more "battlefield oriented" again.

    2. So did it mean that the 17th century the "end" of development of practical Japanese battlefield armor and weapon design? I mean for pre-industrial Japan of course.

      I have seen a picture of armor used by the real last samurai during the Boshin War, it doesn't look different from the one developed in the 16th century.

      I want to ask this because I think it is strange that a pre-modern country manage to have peace that leads to weaponry being made for decorative purpose.

    3. Yes, pretty much is the mid 17th century.
      There were some armors still made as proper functional armors like tatami katabira etc; this was the main armor of the Edo period but the design and method of construction is even earlier than the 16th Century.
      Many armorers also started to make Jizai Okimono due to the low armor's demand.

  3. This is awesome and more people need to know about this. I have to admit I was fooled by the blade lamination chart as well - thanks for debunking it!

    I presume the second lamination picture (the one you draw) is for Sengoku-period battlefield quality swords? They are surprisingly simple, and quite similar to what (Ming-Qing) Chinese did to their swords (given the Japanese influence).

    1. Thank you so much!

      I have to admit that I can see why they labelled the "one piece steel" the poorest method since it requires less skill ( welding two different types of steel is very hard) but the final result at the end of the day is a better sword. It's a shame that so many people got the wrong idea on how lamination worked.

      Yes those styles are actually the most common used in the world; it does make sense, if you have to introduce welding lines in a blade, you want to make it simple to minimize the risk of failure.

    2. clearly his claims of monosteel being better must have spawned from a lack of knwoledge on the subject. the website isnt bad but he seems to love being a contrarian for no reason. laminated blades will always be better unless you have some modern "designer steel" which of course they didnt have back then. he hasnt debunked anything but his credibility

  4. The usual thing said in documentary about Japanese sword is how long the time they need to be made and how much work each have, then I wonder how did they make many swords for an army?

    I guess they must be able to keep the quality while reducing the time?

    Many things are said about the making of Katana, but how about the quality of the Tachi compared to later swords?

    About your article, maybe you could add a graph of hardness for the swords and a test of flexibility?

    1. Well yes it wasn't a fast process but with some minor work division you can achieve mass production.
      A lot of time was also spent on polishing, grinding and having nice fittings made for the sword.
      Making the blade itself could be quite fast however; according to the data given by Markus Sesko in his article about the trades with the Ming, the smiths involved in that business had to make an average of 17 swords a day.
      The process could be simplified with less folding, making an iron sword and them carburizing only the edges and using very simple fittings/minimal polishing.
      This is however detrimental to the quality of the swords. Said items are called Kazu Uchi Mono and some of these swords were very low quality as you can expect for mass produced items.

      As for Tachi is very hard to gain data on them, as far as I am concerned. There are some but are in Japanese so it's quite complicated; it is also worth saying that by the late 15th century, Tachi and Katana didn't differ much. You can expect Tachi being of higher quality, on average, but the process should be the same.

      It would be nice to have that kind of graph, but as far as I am aware there is only one paper that have something similar with swords possibly made in the Edo period and unless you have some grasp of physics, you won't understand much. Beside it was a test on how fractures work with the blade rather than flexibility. A Japanese sword isn't really flexible, is very stiff due to cross section and lack of spring tempering: this enhance its performances at the cost of durability if you will.

  5. Wow, it's an excellent article! I find it curious how the community of martial arts and swords changed one myth for another. The katanas were indestructible, now it seems that they are made of glass. I always tried to disprove that, but without too much knowledge about metallurgy it was difficult for me. Your article is going to help a lot!
    Oh, I'd like to ask you two questions!
    One: Will you talk about the emishi or the pre-samurai era?
    Two: Have you ever considered rewriting and correcting articles in wikipedia?

    1. Thank you so much!!
      Yes indeed, it's a typical theme for the internet: "always pick the extremes". I hope this article will be useful to understand the metallurgical truth behind those swords. It took me almost a year of research but I'm pretty sure there is still a lot more to add.

      Regarding your question, 1) yes I'm planning to talk too about pre Samurai Japan and 2) honestly no I haven't considered it. I don't know how the system work but I'm afraid to said that I won't have spare time to dedicate to Wikipedia, unfortunately.

  6. Tldr: permission to promote this site by posting the links in youtube comments and forum posts.

    Sorry, this blog is just too good to remain unknown. I go to the youtube comments section of any HEMA/ sword/ medieval warfare related channel (there are barely any dedicated and knowledgeable channels when it goes beyond occidental arms and armor) and the amount of borderline racist, blatantly ignorant bile and 'facts' arrogantly touted by armor chair warriors whose only source of research are youtube comments and video games is enough to make me sick. The fact that anime, (according to them) is the only way one could possibly take an interest in Japanese culture is indicative of the level of ignorance and bigotry that plagues this community.

    Some of my favourites, real comments:
    -Japanese metallurgy did not allow swords to exceed 70cm in length.
    -Japanese people were too short to wield 'proper' length weapons.
    -Japan had 3 weapons: katana, 'yari' (read hoko) and shitty bow(according to them).
    -Katanas had inferior, tiny disc guards because of zen philosophy.
    -Kanabo was a myth, possibly inspired by European percussive weapons.
    -Japanese armor were made of bamboo and leather. Rarely iron. (I blame For Honor)
    -Japanese armor provides minimal coverage as Japanese smith could not make articulated -pieces.
    -Samurai armor was (at the same time) heavy AF and unwieldy.
    -Japanese warriors did not, in their centuries of warefare, ever consider thrust oriented weapons, shields, percussive weapons, or battle tactics as they were too conservative(read retarded).
    -There is only one type of Japanese sword, with only one variation, and that is the katana in Kill Bill.
    -An 11th century viking, with his (at best) iron mail hauberk and cut oriented oakeshotte Type x sword, could somehow bypass 16 century bullet proof Samurai armor and defeat a 16th century samurai in combat. Cuz muh magical steel (Funny cause Wootz originated from India, not Europe).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you! I'm glad you like my works! Feel free to spread these articles.

      I have to say that the people with I usually interact from the Hema community ( or sword community ) have plenty of interest towards other cultures arms&armors and are very respectful.
      Unfortunately some myths are still quite widespread (hence why I highlighted some parts of this article) and there are few people who are borderline racist with their nonsense claims as you pointed out. Sadly these morons are the loudest ones, despite being a minority.
      They are no worse than the weebs they claim to "counter" and it's very sad.

      I think that they are the byproduct of years of Japanese fanboyisim and the consequential years of "bashing" that have gone too far in the other direction. Hopefully in few years they will become rare and vanish forever.

    3. The thing is that Japanese swords have always been praised and that can't be stated for the European sword. For the longest time, European sword was never seen as great and it took the community of HEMA and many channels popping up with these past years that the European sword was finally seen as something worth praising and talking about which is sad as the European sword was always great and it took a long time for misconceptions to decrease. However even then, many people, Anime and the Japanese community continued their ignorance of the European sword and spreading myth and misconception. When you think about it, when a sword has been hated for so long there comes to a point when it goes too far and the hate rebounds and people start hating on the Japanese sword to counter the hate towards European swords.

    4. I always hear this same excuse for the hate everywhere i go online. However, i never experienced this towards european swords in my entire life, it was more like "all swords are awesome". Only recently i start seeing what you described, but the hate starting from the HEMA community, not the other way around. However, despite my experiences, even if what you said is the case, makes no sense to respond alike by spreading myth and misconception just because someone don't like your type of sword. We should be better than commiting the same mistakes.

  7. @ Ray: I am by no means bashing European Arms and Armor. I am just not an idiot who believes reality bends to his likes and dislikes and jumps from one bandwagon to the next.

    1. You have to remember, for many years the European sword have been mocked and hated for a long time with many misconceptions even more than the Katana and the Katana was praised to the highest degree. Even among the Japanese community ignorance of the European sword still exist. Obviously people would start retaliating back and this could lead to other misconceptions.

  8. This was a glorious article. Learning new stuff all the time on this subject.

    Have you any plans to do an article debunking some of the other myths about Japanese swords in-depth, such as the ones claiming they were solely weapons for civilian duels or ceremonies and never actually used on the battlefield? (Indeed they were virtually never the weapon of first resort in a military context, but they were hardly absent or afterthoughts!)

    1. Thank you so much!

      I might consider doing an overall "top 10 common misconcpetions" or something similar about Japanese swords indeed! That might be cool, because there are still a lot of myths (some of them are addressed here) that are still taken for granted. A easy and simple article might be a good way to spread knowledge and debunk them.

    2. Hey, I think you should do something like that! I guess debunk youtube videos would be a good idea too (not the ones everyone knows, but videos like the ones Lidybeige did about the katana), or videos like these. I am sure that it ignores certain data of which you spoke in your articles, although, I suppose that you will know to judge better if they are or not correct.

    3. I would certainly enjoy it!

      Would it be fair to say, on another subject, that use of unnecessarily complex lamination methods might be a big part of why swords from the shintou era have a reputation as being a drop in overall physical quality from the kotou era?

    4. @Francisco

      That's really a good suggestion! I do think that debunking a video in a blog format is kinda hard (it would be much easier with a video reply), discussing the common misconceptions around the katana and Japanese swords in general is always a good thing indeed!


      Actually complex laminations were seldom used even in the Shinto and Shinshinto period. The true disadvantage and flaw was the amount of the blade used to make the hamon and the hardness of the latter. The hamon should be quite minimal and not too hard, otherwise it's going to crack and if it's wide, you end up with a shattered blade. That's why those blades had this problem, it was the quality and the amount of the blade used for the hamon.
      Lamination itself shouldn't be a big deal actually.

    5. Aha, interesting. Come to think of it, I have seen a number of Shinto era blades with fairly large, prominent hamon, or hamon that are pretty high up on the blade (and thus a larger proportion of the blade is the harder, more brittle martensitic steel) before.

      Hrm, when you do get around to katana talk in general, there's one subject I'd also like to request in there: a discussion on sword wearing. It seems wearing the katana in a tachi's koshirae was really popular for armored samurai, but a ton of source conflict over whether or not this was a sine qua non for wearing the sword in armor or if even samurai in armor started switching to buke-zukuri wear later in the Sengoku period and Azuchi-Momoyama.

    6. About your question, it seems that there is quite a bit of debate.
      Not to mention that most samurai worn the koshiate with their swords, which means that usually it was worn like a tachi. In fact here are plenty of ways and styles to wear swords with koshiate.

      My opinion is that the katana style of wearing Japanese swords was popular among foot soldiers, while the tachi one was popular with cavalry. Wearing the katana as a katana indeed create an advantage on foot (quick drawing) but not that much on horseback.
      And cavalry warriors usually were the most armored ones so that might explain the relation.

      Apparently, koshiate usage diminished during the Edo.

    7. That's very in line with what I've generally believed--that buke-zukuri wear emerged as a field expedient in the late Sengoku period for ashigaru and samurai infantry who needed their swords quickly secured to their person and easier to get at in a hurry without fumbling with the sheathe in its ashi or koshiate.

    8. Yes, that's true; it also explains why the swords of this period on average are shorter than the previous ones, because a lot of mass produced blade were made for ashigaru to be used both with one hand or two hand and to be deployer faster in small spaces (like inside a formation).

  9. Can you linked me your source which states that lamination was used and how was it used in Europe for reference? Also many sources states that Europe used mono steel for their swords and you said that it was a minority but if so where did the source stating that mono steel was used for European swords come from and also can you link me the source which states that mono steel was the minority.

    1. Alan William "The knight and the blast furnace" + the sword and the crucible talks about that. Also he analyzed 18 swords from the 9th to the 18th century and only 3 were made out of one single piece of steel.
      Being a miniroty doesn't exclude the fact that it was used, but having a monosteel sword was incredibly expensive. For reference, there are two papers that have analyzed two European swords, one messer and a long sword.

      For example, in "Late medieval Messer - a commoner sword" by Tomaž Lazar, the messer was not even made out of steel but of wrought iron and then carburized at the edge.

      Having a sword made by multiple types of iron and steel was cheaper and arguably easier to do ( distinguish the various types of steel in the 16th century without modern chemistry was very hard).

    2. Also if we want to go further and quoting other sources:

      From "Characterization of European sword blades through neutron imaging techniques":

      "(...)Documents of the time attested that the “old” Toledo masters (16th and 17th century) made their best swordblades by means of forge-welding two strips of steel and sandwiching a third strip of wrought iron, that formed the core."

      Morever in the paper the swords analyzed were indeed made by multiple pieces of different steel welded together, and this were a Solingen and a Toledo sword, so among the most valuable makers of the time of the 16th and 17th century.
      Still, not made by one single piece of steel.
      And to be honest I can find even more sources like that but this should give you the point.

  10. I know this is very late and all and seems to be an abandoned project at this point but the loss of carbon would actually make the metal easier to work. High carbon irons and steels often have to have the carbon burned out of them in order to be workable in the first place. What more than likely made the metal harder as it was folded was from work hardening at the folded point since it wasn't completely sheared. This creates a very hard bend in that region and when you hammer it back together, each successive bend will move and distribute this across the rest of the billet. The actual carbon content was probably reduced during the very high temperature heating process and burned off the surface. The folding would shift internalized carbon to the surface allowing some of it to be burned off. The reheating probably wasn't at or above critical temperature so the work hardening from the previous folding probably wasn't undone so as time wore on and more folding was done, it became harder and harder to work and do more folds. This would work hand in hand with the part about over folding the metal. Eventually you would over fold the metal where too many folds would effectively overlap and you'd end up with fatigued spots that'd be prone to failure.

    1. Hey, i actually ended up in this site because i got suspicious over some claims on the internet. And i coincidentaly just read a post that kinda awnsers what you mentioned:

      "First, the flaws run along the blade, and don't significantly weaken the blade during normal use. Second, laminated/folded construction tends to stop the propagation of cracks - if the hardened edge cracks, the crack will often stop at the transition to a dissimilar steel.

      Contrary to what one might expect, flaws in folding and lamination can even improve the strength of the blade - poor welds are very effective for stopping the propagation of cracks."

      You can reverse search this paragraph and find the entire text on reddit (r/AskHistorians).

      Have a nice one!

  11. Sagegane isn't more pure than tamagagane. The zuku ingot itself really doesn't contain slag inclusions, that's correct. But during the lowering process the materials melting point is rising and it behaves exactly like oroshigane or tamahagane. When the sagegane process is over the material is exactly the same type of steel bloom than tamahagane. The slag inclusions has to be removed on the same way too.


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